Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Aircraft engine Firewalls


Aircraft engine Firewalls

                      Firewalls are normally located near to the engine compartment.Engine, Auxiliary power units, combustion chamber and turbine produces tremendous amount of heat which affect other aircraft component and it functionality, to protect other aircraft component from this heat effect sections of the turbine engine must be isolated from the remainder of the aircraft by means of firewalls. Firewall is used to protect the nacelle strut and systems from the exposure.

Aircraft engine Firewalls


Firewall should design in such a manner that no hazardous quality of air, fluids, or flame can pass from the compartment to other portions of the aircraft.

To be easy access to repair and installation because they normally located in the engine compartment, later there may be need to remove and replace the engine or other components.


Aircraft engine Firewalls


Material used should provide protection against both heat and corrosion, Base on which following materials been used

  • Stainless steel
  • Titanium
  • Copper or steel based alloy
  • Terne plate
